Tragedy in New York

      In the wake of our terrible tragedy in New York, many Americans have begun to to seek God for help.  All through the Bible, difficult times and tragedies have caused God's people to call upon Him.  Most of us were born again because we had come to the end of ourselves in our marriage, business, our children or some sickness.  After we turned to Jesus He was always merciful and kind to forgive us of our sins and heal our land.  How we praise our God that this tragedy did cause us to turn to our God.  We know that He is all we need in times of trouble.  

    This is not a time for God's elect to fear... but only believe.  The God who took care of Daniel will be with you.  The fourth man in the fire with the Hebrew children is with you.  The Goliath slayer is with you.  The fire by night and the cloud by day is with you.  

    He said, Call upon me while I am near.  Seek and ye shall find.  Look up our redemption draweth nigh.  Oh, praise God! Jesus our Savior is with us to never leave us nor forsake us.  You are a child of God, protected by His grace, mercy and His all powerful hand.  

    Rejoice that your names are in the Book of Life and engraved in the palm of His hand.  The Lord knows them that are His. Let us not fear but only believe.

    We have a Savior! You can trust Jesus to help you!

    Hopefully, this message will help you in your search for a closer walk with Jesus. Seek Him today while He may be found!

Bro. Ferree

Sermon Thoughts

You Must Have a Savior

Encourage Yourself in the Lord

Tragedy in New York

Change Me